Law and the Prophets
Which books in the Bible are called "The Law"? Which are called "The Prophets"?
King Saul and King Solomon - Are they in Hell?
I know King Saul committed suicide and King Solomon worshipped idols, so are they in hell?
John 14:19 - The Appearance of Christ
Please explain what Jesus meant in John 14:19 when He said the world will see Him no more, but the eleven disciples would see Him again. I used to be a Jehovah Witness, but am not any more. Because of their teachings, this verse is confusing to me.
Jesus Called the Son of David
Why does the bible refer Jesus the son of David? Although it can refer to the biological and immediate son of an earthly father, it can also have other meanings.
How Many Did Jashobeam Kill?
In 2 Samuel 23:8 the bible reads that Jashobeam used his spear to kill 800 men in one battle. Then later in 1 Chronicles 11:11 it reads that Jashobeam used his spear to kill 300 men in a single battle. I was wondering if it was two separate battles mentioned. This may a dumb question, but I am far from being a scholar and I am very interested in these Great men of God.
Incarnated Jesus
Was Jesus incarnated? Is the virgin birth necessary for incarnation?
Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit
Is the Holy Ghost the same as the Holy Spirit or are they different?
Healing Today
Why can't people today, heal as Christ instructed the disciples to do? I am not sure what I think of these so called healers you see on television? Was this gift only for the Kingdom period and not for us during the Grace age. I know God can heal through our prayer.
God's Demand of Righteousness
Do you know of any passages in the bible which state that God demands righteousness from all people or does the Bible make a distinction between righteousness required by the world at large and that required by God's children?