The Human Eye
I have been reading a book written in the 17th century which claims that animals do not have the eye muscle that is required to look up. However, man has a special muscle for looking up. Is this true about the muscles in the eye?
Groves are spoken against much in the King James Bible and are spoken of much by the New Age disciples. However, they are often ignored in the newer Bible versions. This article considers why.
Final Authority - Chapter 1
An excerpt from the book Final Authority by Dr. William P. Grady. This chapter was written to warn the child of God of the war that has been waged against our Bible.
The Disappearing Bible
The new versions have long been accused of removing phrases and verses from the Bible. Is it possible that they are removing concepts as well?
Attack on the English Bible
David Reagan's introduction to Doug Stauffer's new book, One Book Stands Alone.
The Victorious God (Daily Portion 10215)
This psalm proclaims a victorious God. He will defeat His enemies and cause His judgment to be heard. But He will save all the meek of the earth. Surely, this is a God to be feared.
Matters Pertaining to God (Daily Portion 10214)
Of the Levites, men were chosen to keep the treasures of the house of the Lord. Other men were chosen as rulers of the outward business over Israel, for every matter pertaining to God, and for the affairs of the king.
The Coming Branch (Daily Portion 10210)
Zechariah speaks of the cleansing and service of Joshua, the high priest at the time of the return from Babylonian captivity. He also points to the coming of the BRANCH and the redemption of the land of Israel.
Isaiah tells of Jesus Christ (Daily Portion 10209)
This chapter contains one of the most wonderful passages of prophecy concerning the Lord Jesus Christ in the Old Testament. His life, death, burial, and resurrection are all foretold and the message of salvation is proclaimed.