Turning a Curse Into a Blessing (Daily Portion 10324)
Earlier in the passage that includes chapters 7 and 8 of Zechariah, the Lord had used a question about continuing one of the fasts as a basis to reprove the Jews for their insincerity. Now, He tells them that He has chosen to bless them. And more, there is coming a time when all the fasts will be turned to cheerful feasts. As Judah and Israel have been a curse among the nations, so they will be a blessing. Once again, God shows His grace and mercy.
Treating God Poorly (Daily Portion 10315)
God continues to reprove Israel because of the ways they have treated Him. Their heart was not right with God. They provoked Him, grieved Him, tempted Him, and limited Him. They did not remember the deliverance of the Lord when He brought them out of Egypt. Yet God remembered that they were but flesh and had compassion on them. We should all glory in such a good and gracious God.
Times of Disbelief
If a Christian finds himself doubting his beliefs and maybe for a while stops believing, is there any way for him to be saved and forgiven? Is it possible for such a person to regain his salvation, or can a period of disbelief never be forgiven by God?
Should Christians Vote
A Jehovah's Witness told me that Christians were not supposed to vote for politicians. I know we are supposed to pray for them, so why shouldn't we also vote for them?
Schools for Preachers
What does the Bible say about men going to school to be a preacher?
Offending Others
If a Christian is doing something that causes me to stumble then they should stop? And if they don't, what will be their consequences?
How Can a Christian Life Touch Others?
The Bible refers to this act that you speak of as “ministering” which in its basic definition is simply attending to the wants and needs of others.
Giving Answers to Doubters
When non-christians ask us how we know that what we believe in is the truth, and how do we prove it, how do we answer that question?
As it is Written of Him
In Mark 9:11-13 we read about the prophecy of Elias. Verse 13 says "as it is written of him". Now, where is it written?