The Fall of the House of Haman
Though it seemed at one time that all hope was gone for the Jews, God brings deliverance in the end. But when God delivers, it is not just a partial deliverance. He gives an absolute, miraculous deliverance from Haman and from the decree to destroy the Jews. We can learn much about the mighty power and the supreme goodness of God from this lesson.
The Message of Future Glory
The message of Haggai, chapter two, is a message of coming glory (see Haggai 2:3, 7, 9; compare 1:8). The importance of the message is shown in the time in which it was given.
The Faith of Job
Most of this chapter gives a list of the ills experienced by Job. After considering the afflictions laid on him in the first two chapters of the book, this does not seem to be any exaggeration. The amazing part of this chapter is found in verses 25-27 where Job bursts out in an outstanding proclamation of faith in the middle of his list of trials and afflictions. He suffered. But he never lost faith. What an example to us!
The Reigns of Manasseh and Amon
Two evil reigns follow the good reign of Hezekiah. We see the dangers of idolatry in these two reigns. We also see the influence a leader of the people has on those people. In both cases, the people follow their king.
The Interpretation of Prophecy
Some say that prophecy is too hard to understand. Everyone interprets the Bible differently and there is no correct way to interpret prophecy. This is not true. As in everything else, God gives us the guidance to understand the prophecy that He wrote.
God Compared to a Bear
What can we learn about God from our understanding of the nature of bears? God compared something He was going to do with something that a bear would do. Find out what a blessing it is.
God a Man of War
Many in the world today have become pacifists and this has rolled over into Christianity. Although some have good reasons for hating war others simply deny that God is a God of war. This article by comparison shows God to be very much a Man of War.
Christ a Bridegroom
A Bridegroom presupposes two things. First, a person in a single capacity; and as so considered, he is a suitor. Secondly, a person in a married estate; and as so considered, he is a head or husband. In both these respects Christ may be considered, and is held forth in the word of God.
Christ a Branch
In the scriptures, Jesus Christ is called the Branch. We are to understand His human nature as intended. As such, concerning the flesh, he proceeded from Abraham, Jesse and David.