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New Believer

Results for New Believer

Build the Temple First (Daily Portion 10106)

The prophet Haggai encourages the Israelites who have returned from Babylonian captivity as they build the temple

Type: Devotional

Getting Israel to Listen (Daily Portion 10105)

In this chapter, the Lord cries out to a proud and stubborn Israel to hear Him

Type: Devotional

Speaking of God's Righteousness (Daily Portion 10104)

The Psalmist determines to speak of God

Type: Devotional

David's Altar on the Threshingfloor (Daily Portion 10103)

In order to halt the judgment of God on Israel, David is told to offer a sacrifice in the threshing floor of Ornan

Type: Devotional

God Protects the Poor (Daily Portion 10102)

This passage describes several of the protections that God gave to the poor.

Type: Devotional

The First Four Days of Creation (Daily Portion 10101)

This passage describes the first four days of creation week.

Type: Devotional

Missions Giving at Antioch Baptist Church

The Missions Program at Antioch Baptist Church is a worldwide outreach based on faith and prayer.

Type: Devotional

King James Translation

How did we get the King James Bible? What kind of process did the translation go through?

Type: Devotional

The Concealed Weapon in Your Mouth

Inside of your mouth lies one of the most dangerous weapons ever used by mankind. It has destroyed friends, families, churches and peoples. It is such a little member, but it packs a wicked punch. That member is your tongue. It ought to be used to praise the Lord and spread His word, but is most often used to devour others and spread gossip. This member of yours is so dangerous that the Bible likens it to a sharp sword or razor (Psalm 52:2; Psalm 57:4; Psalm 59:7; Psalm 64:3), to a serpent (Psalm 140:3), and to a fire (James 3:5-6). Perhaps we ought to pray like David when he said, "Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips." (Psalm 141:3).

Type: Blog Entry

The Downfall of a People

In Amos 6:1-6, we find three anchors of hope for the people of Judah. In verses 1-2, we see that they are trusting in the might of their own military. In verse 3, we see that they are trusting in the power of positive thinking, and in verses 4-6 we see that they are resting in their lives of luxury. All of this hope proved to be shallow for Judah, and the same thing holds true for any other nation holding on to these same things.

Type: Blog Entry
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 26:13

The slothful man saith, There is a lion in the way; a lion is in the streets.