God's Demand of Righteousness
Do you know of any passages in the bible which state that God demands righteousness from all people or does the Bible make a distinction between righteousness required by the world at large and that required by God's children?
Fasting and Prayer
How does one go about fasting, and what are the different types of fasting?
The Essence of God
Why do Christians say God is self-existent, eternal, spirit and trinitarian? What scriptures support this claim?
Elijah and Enoch
If the Old Testament saints went to paradise when they died, how do you explain Elijah and Enoch?
Does God Have a Soul?
There are several passages in the Bible that seem to indicate God has a soul. Is this a soul as we often think of elsewhere in the scripture or is it something different?
Did Christ Have an Eternal Body?
Some say God's essence is spirit and, therefore, that image is mind, will, and emotions (or similar variations) and cannot include anything physical like a body. Some put forth that the image is spirit, soul, and body. But even most of those admit that the body is looking forward to Jesus as God in the flesh. Why couldn't the Word have had a physical body before the incarnation and, thus, man being made in God's image would be body, soul, and spirit?
Death Before Salvation
If someone is murdered before they had a chance to be saved (especially a young person), will they still obtain salvation? The person who committed the crime of the unsaved, if they are saved & confess/repent, will they still receive salvation even if the person they murdered doesn't?
The Day of the Lord
What is the Day of the Lord and what is the connection with the second coming of Christ?
Creation of Heaven and Hell
In Genesis 1 it says that God created the heavens. When was heaven created? Also, when was hell created. Was it before or after the fall of Lucifer and his angels?
Commanding God
Please explain to me what Isaiah 45:11 means. Can we command the hands of God in our lives?