False Teachers Compared to Foxes
The Fox is not only crafty, but cruel to harmless creatures; so are False-Teachers to the souls of men.
The Building of Solomon’s Temple
The passage lists the various aspects of the temple as part of this pattern that God had given him. Therefore, the pattern for Solomon’s temple comes from God and must have special spiritual significance.
The World Compared to a Wilderness
A Wilderness is commonly a waste, wild, and barren place, some of which are of a vast bigness: this World is of a vast bigness, and very barren of grace and holiness.
The Coming of the Great King (Daily Portion 10505)
Much of the book of Zechariah looks forward to the restoration of Israel and the coming of the great King. This last chapter is no exception. The Lord Himself will come down and fight for Jerusalem. His feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives. The mount will split in half making a valley through its midst and through that valley will flow rivers of living waters. Then shall the Lord be king over all the earth. What a beautiful description of the second coming of Christ and the setting up of His kingdom on earth! All His saints should look forward with joy to His return.
The Church Compared To A Virgin
This simile alludes to the legal type of the High-Priest, who might marry none but a Virgin.
The Molten Sea (Daily Portion 10411)
This chapter continues the description of Solomon’s Temple and related items. In this passage, the molten sea is of special interest. There was nothing quite like it in the tabernacle of Moses. Notice also the great size of the items that do have parallels in the tabernacle.
David Respects the Lord’s Anointed
This lesson greatly illustrates a choice made by each person. Will they live their life by conviction or by convenience?
Christ - A Fountain
Among the many things Christ is compared to in the holy scripture, to set forth his transcendent excellency, beauty, usefulness, and perfections, this of a Fountain is none of the least, it being a most profitable metaphor.
The Institution of Marriage
God created man and gave him work to do, but there was still something lacking. Man was alone.
What is Love?
What is love? Is it an emotional feeling or is it a choice that one makes?