Condemnation of Hypocrisy (Daily Portion 10316)
In this chapter, Isaiah condemns the hypocrisy of the Israelites. They have a form of godliness. They even take delight in their fasts and in the keeping of the Sabbath. Yet, their fasts are not what God seeks. He desires them to forsake their wickedness and give bread to the hungry. Instead of delighting in the outward shows of godliness, they need to delight in obedience, in righteousness, and in the Lord Himself.
God Supplies Our Needs
Giving to the Lord is not some sort of maneuver by which we obligate God to send us money. It all belongs to Him and we can never put God in obligation to us.
Anger and Sin
Could you explain Ephesians 4:26,31. Can we as sinners be angry and not sin?
More Than One Tree of Life?
For the first time recently I noticed in Revelation 22:1-2 that it says of the tree of life it is "IN THE MIDST of the street of it, AND ON EITHER SIDE of the river". So, my question is: Is there more than one tree of life and is it Christ?
King Lemuel
Who is the King Lemuel mentioned in Proverbs 31 and who is his mother?
Premarital Relations
What does the Bible say about premarital relations? Also, does the Bible say anything about whether God will send someone to you or not?
Living Together
I have some friends who are not married but they are living together, can you help me show them where they are wrong according to the Bible?
Is Arguing Shameful to God?
Is there a place in the Bible that says that you shouldn't argue or that it is shameful to God?
Guiding The House
In 1 Timothy 5:14 it says that women are to guide the house. How do I guide the house?