The Chastening of the Lord
As Christian’s we really don’t enjoy the idea of chastisement. If I were to ask someone if they want to be more like Christ, it is an easy yes. However, if I were to tell you that one of the ways to become more like Him is through chastisement, all of the sudden it doesn’t sound so good. Perhaps we aren’t as good of Christians as we think ourselves to be.
Christ Our Surety
In the Bible we find many references to transactions and covenants. In our passage we find one of those references and it is found in the usage of the word surety. Now we know that Christ was made a surety of a better testament, but what exactly does that mean?
Evolutionists are Unbiased
It is important to understand that scientific investigation does not take place in a vacuum, but rather by individuals who all maintain beliefs and biases. This articles examines how biased evolutionists are in reality.
The Bible - Science or Fiction?
There are many today who would hold the view that the Bible is a good Book, possibly a Holy Book, but certainly not a scientific Book. Is this a fair view of the Bible, or could it be that it is a far more scientific Book than we give it credit for?
Break Up Your Fallow Ground
The land has been left unworked. God is calling us to break it up.
The Cities of Refuge are Types of the Lord Jesus Christ
What the cities of refuge were to Israel, sheltering the sinner from judgment, the Lord Jesus Christ is to us.
Christians and Santa Claus
Many believers could be greatly offended that we would even deal with the issue of Santa Claus. “It is innocent”, you can hear them say. Yet a careful look into the scriptures would deny that this lie is anywhere near innocent.
The Dayspring From On High
The dayspring is the spring of the day; that is, the morning. This passage reveals some of the scientific details about this phenomenon. However, the dayspring is also a type of Jesus Christ, as revealed in the only other place in the Bible where the word occurs – Luke 1:78.
Don't Leave the Children Behind
God created the family, or household, as a spiritual unit. It is unnatural for it to be divided spiritually. God wants it to be united. How can the family be a true spiritual unit?
Exalting Not Ourselves
The haughty will be humbled by God. The humble will be honoured by God. As Christians, we are to humble ourselves before the Lord so that He may exalt us in His timing.