None Righteous (Daily Portion 10318)
This chapter continues with the theme of the first two chapters. Chapter One of Romans teaches us that the Gentiles are sinners. Chapter Two demonstrates the fact that the Jews are sinners too. This chapter concludes that all men, both Jews and Gentiles, are sinners before God. The Jews, though having certain advantages, rejected Christ. Yet, their unbelief does not destroy the truth of the gospel. Men simply do not seek God on their own. None are righteous. They are all gone out of the way.
Glorious Times to Come (Daily Portion 10317)
God promises glorious times to come for Jerusalem. It will be called a city of truth and will have both the elderly and the young in its streets. The remnant of the Jews will be returned to the land and they will be prosperous. The Lord will be their God and they will be His people in truth and in righteousness.
Treating God Poorly (Daily Portion 10315)
God continues to reprove Israel because of the ways they have treated Him. Their heart was not right with God. They provoked Him, grieved Him, tempted Him, and limited Him. They did not remember the deliverance of the Lord when He brought them out of Egypt. Yet God remembered that they were but flesh and had compassion on them. We should all glory in such a good and gracious God.
David Finishes Well (Daily Portion 10314)
David ended his life well. He set up Solomon to follow him on the throne of Israel. He made provision for the building of the temple. He saw the people submit to Solomon as their next king. This passage reminds us that it is how a person finishes and not how he starts that really counts.
A Single Woman a Keeper at Home
How can a single woman be a keeper at home with all of the responsibilities of bills and children?
Lessons for Worship
What lessons can we learn about worship today based on these warnings and commands about worship in Old Testament times in Ecclesiastes 5:1-7?
How Can a Christian Life Touch Others?
The Bible refers to this act that you speak of as “ministering” which in its basic definition is simply attending to the wants and needs of others.
Do All Hear the Gospel?
Do all men have a chance to hear the Gospel before they die? I realize that God "reveals Himself through His creation," thus, does one merely have to honor His handiwork if they otherwise do not hear the message of Christ? This includes Native Americans before the colonization of North America.
Becoming a New Creature
Please let me know what is said about watching movies that contain nudity and bad language?
Anger and Sin
Could you explain Ephesians 4:26,31. Can we as sinners be angry and not sin?