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Righteous Judgment and Inheritance (Daily Portion 10109)

Content Author: 
Reagan, David
Scripture Passage: 
Deuteronomy 25:1-10

This passage contains laws concerning righteous judgment, the laying of stripes on offenders and the duty of a man to continue the seed of his brother.

What Does It Say?

  1. Judges are required to declare a righteous judgment when they judge in a “_____________ between men.”
  2. When a wicked man is to be beaten, the judge must make sure that the stripes are according to his ___________ by a certain ____________.
  3. A man is to marry his brother’s wife if his brother dies and they have no __________.
  4.  A man who refuses to marry his brother’s widow refuses to perform the ___________ of a husband’s brother.
  5. When man refuses to marry his brother’s widow, she is to publicly remove his shoe and _______ in his face.

What Does It Mean?

  1. Punishment by beating was to be limited to forty stripes (v.3).  Later Jewish tradition limited it to 39 stripes so no one would accidentally go over forty (see 2 Corinthians 11:24 – “Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one.”).  Carefully read verse three in our passage and tell why you think God limited the stripes to this number.
  2. Verse six in referring to the man who marries his brother’s widow states, “that the firstborn which she beareth shall succeed in the name of his brother which is dead.”  What is this saying?  Why was this so important to the Jews?
  3. The man who refuses to marry his brother’s widow and bear a seed to his brother’s name becomes the “house of him that hath his shoe loosed” (v.10).  Obviously, the act of removing one’s shoe is an act of humiliation and shame (see also Ruth 4:7).  In other cases, a man removes his shoe as an act of humility and submission to the holiness of God (see Joshua 5:15).  What do you think the shoe symbolizes in these verses?  What is better, to remove the shoe or to have your shoe removed?  Why?

What Does It Mean to Me?

  1. The ox was often used to tread the corn grains out of the wheat.  Sheaves of wheat would be placed in his path.  Then, as the ox was brought to tread repeatedly over the sheaves (usually in a circular path), the grain would be beat out.  Some would put a muzzle over the ox so he would not eat up any of the corn himself.  The law commands the Jews not to do this.  God is teaching that those who do the work ought to enjoy the fruits of their labor.  How can we apply this principle to situations today?
  2. The law shames “that man that will not build up his brother’s house” (v.9).  His brother’s wife does three things in the sight of the elders: she looses his shoe, spits in his face and declares the purpose of her actions.  Why was this a shameful thing to do?  How can we apply this principle to our lives today?
David Reagan
Daily Proverb

Proverbs 11:16

A gracious woman retaineth honour: and strong men retain riches.