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Return to the Holy Land (Daily Portion 10203)

Content Author: 
Reagan, David
Scripture Passage: 
Zechariah 2:1-13

In this vision, Zechariah sees a man measuring the breadth and length of Jerusalem.  Though Zion has been scattered, the people are to return to the holy land where God will dwell in the midst of them.  He shall choose Jerusalem again.

What Does It Say?

  1. In this vision, Zechariah saw a man with a ____________ line in his hand.
  2. An angel reported that Jerusalem shall be ____________ as towns without _________.
  3. The Lord had spread Israel abroad as the four ________ of the heaven.
  4. “Deliver thyself, O _________, that dwellest with the daughter of ______________.”
  5. The Lord shall inherit Judah his ________in the ________ land, and shall choose ______________ again.

What Does It Mean?

  1. God promises to be a wall of fire about Jerusalem and the glory in the midst of her (v.5).  What is the Lord referring to and when do you think He will bring this about?
  2. The Lord says that he who touches Israel touches the apple of His eye (v.8).  The apple of the eye is mentioned five times in the Bible (Deuteronomy 32:10; Psalm 17:8; Proverbs 7:2; Lamentations 2:18; Zechariah 2:8).  What is the apple of the eye? Look up the references.  What does God say about the apple of the eye?
  3. The Lord prophesies when, “many nations shall be joined to the LORD in that day, and shall be my people” (v.11).  To what does this refer?  How will many nations become the people of the Lord?

What Does It Mean to Me?

  1. The man with the measuring line goes to measure Jerusalem (v.1-2).  What is the purpose of the measuring? In Ezekiel 42:20, a man measures the court of the temple in order to “make a separation between the sanctuary and the profane place.”  The measuring is done in order to set boundaries between the sacred and the profane. How might this apply to the prophecy in Zechariah?  How might apply spiritually to our own lives?
  2. All flesh is told to be silent before the Lord as He rises up out of His holy habitation (v.13).  Compare this with Habakkuk 2:20 and Zephaniah 1:7.  What is the unifying factor in these three passages?  What do they tell us about God?  What do they say about our relationship to God?

Suggested Memory Verses

Zecharaiah 2:5; Zecharaiah 2:12-13

David Reagan
Daily Proverb

Proverbs 11:5

The righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way: but the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness.