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Paul Arrives at Rome (Daily Portion 10204)

Content Author: 
Reagan, David
Scripture Passage: 
Acts 28:1-31

Paul and his companions, after being shipwrecked on the island of Melita, do much good there. Paul finally arrives at Rome where he stays in a house under guard. He quickly presents himself to the Jews of Rome but receives little welcome.

What Does It Say?

  1. When the people of Melita say Paul get bitten by the poisonous snake, they said, No doubt this man is a _______________.
  2. Paul went to the father of Publius who lay sick of a ________ and of a bloody ________.
  3. When Paul preached the kingdom and Jesus to the Jews of Rome, some ___________ the things which were spoken and some ______________ not.
  4. After the Jews rejected the gospel of Jesus Christ, Paul told them that the _____________ of God is sent unto the ____________ and they will hear it.
  5. Paul spent two years in a house in Rome preaching the __________ of God and teaching those things which concern the Lord _________ __________.

What Does It Mean?

  1. What made the people of Melita barbarian (v.2, 4)? Use a concordance to find out what Paul says about barbarians in other passages.
  2. Paul was given a lot of freedom even though he was a prisoner in Rome (see v.16, 30-31). Why do you think this was so?
  3. Paul tells the Jews of Rome that he is bound with chains because of the “hope of Israel” (v.20). What different things could this phrase refer to? What do you think it means and why do you think this?

What Does It Mean to Me?

  1. Paul’s hands did the work of gathering sticks (v.3). Paul’s hand was bitten by a snake and thought to be the hand of a murderer (v.3-4). Paul’s hands were laid on the sick and the sick were healed (v.8-9). What is the significance of his hands in this chapter? What do your hands tell others about you?
  2. The people of Melita “changed their minds” (v.6) when Paul did not die from the snake bite. This is much like the people of Lystra who changed their minds about Paul and Barnabas (Acts 14:18-19). What are the main differences between the two stories? What do these stories tell us about the nature of people? How should this knowledge effect our dealings with others?

Suggested Memory Verses

Acts 28:20; Acts 28:24; Acts 28:28

David Reagan
Daily Proverb

Proverbs 10:31

The mouth of the just bringeth forth wisdom: but the froward tongue shall be cut out.