Meditating on the Wondrous Works of God (Daily Portion 10222)
In this psalm, we see a discouraged saint lifted up by meditating on the wondrous works of God. The first nine verses vividly describe the depths of despair. But in the tenth verse, we see a decision to remember the blessings of God. The next few verses (Psalm 77:11-15 [11] I will remember the works of the LORD: surely I will remember thy wonders of old.
[12] I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings.
[13] Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God?
[14] Thou art the God that doest wonders: thou hast declared thy strength among the people.
[15] Thou hast with thine arm redeemed thy people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph. Selah.
See All...) meditate on the works of God and the psalm closes with the saint finding God in the depths of the sea. O glorious message of encouragement!
What Does It Say?
- The psalmist is so troubled that his soul refused to be _______________.
- He complained and his spirit was ______________.
- He was able to call to remembrance his _________ in the night.
- In a series of six pitiful questions, the psalmist asked if God had forgotten to be ______________.
- The psalmist remembered that God had with His ______ redeemed His people.
What Does It Mean?
- Read verse four: “Thou holdest mine eye waking: I am so troubled that I cannot speak.” What are the two symptoms of despair that are described in this verse? Can you give any examples of these actions in your own life?
- Verse ten is the key verse to this psalm – “And I said, This is my infirmity: but I will remember the years of the right hand of the most High.” Read the verses before and after this verse. What is happening here? Why is this verse so important to understanding this psalm?
- Two verses in this psalm speak of the way of the Lord. We will look at God’s way being in the sea (Psalm 77:19Thy way is in the sea, and thy path in the great waters, and thy footsteps are not known.
See All...) in the next section. In verse thirteen we read, “Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary.” The sanctuary is God’s holy dwelling place. We know it as the temple here on earth, but it can also refer to God’s dwelling place in heaven. What do you think it means that God’s way is in the sanctuary? Compare Psalm 63:1-2 [1] O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is; [2] To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary.
See All.... How do these two passages compare?
What Does It Mean to Me?
- In holy determination, the psalmist declared in verse eleven, “I will remember the works of the LORD: surely I will remember thy wonders of old.” These works and wonders that we remember can be personal things that God has done for us or they can be public acts of God. List several personal and public works and wonders of the Lord that you need to remember when you become discouraged.
- Not only is God’s way in the sanctuary (Psalm 77:13Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God?
See All...), but His way is also in the sea (Psalm 77:19Thy way is in the sea, and thy path in the great waters, and thy footsteps are not known.
See All...). Read the entire verse: “Thy way is in the sea, and thy path in the great waters, and thy footsteps are not known.” The depths of the sea are often used in the Bible as a picture of great trials. In this verse, we see that God makes His path in the sea of our trials. But something else needs to be noticed. His footsteps are not known. The picture is perfect. What kind of footprints would someone leave if they walked across the ocean? None, of course. In the same way, we cannot see the evidence of the presence of God when we are in great trials, but we can rest assured that He is there. For your exercise, describe a time when you went through great despair and could not see God, but at a later time you found that He was there all along. If you cannot think of a time like this, ask some older Christians to tell you about a time like this in their own life. You will find this to be a great blessing.
Suggested Memory Verses
Psalm 77:10-13 [10] And I said, This is my infirmity: but I will remember the years of the right hand of the most High.
[11] I will remember the works of the LORD: surely I will remember thy wonders of old.
[12] I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings.
[13] Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God?
See All...; Psalm 77:19Thy way is in the sea, and thy path in the great waters, and thy footsteps are not known.
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