Only a Link In the Chain - By: Meditation on Deuteronomy 34:1-12
Alone, Moses climbed the rugged path to the top of Mount Pisgah in the land of Moab. Though preserved in body and mind, his 120 years (40 of them in the wilderness) made him worn in years and in battles. His last battle was his attempt to enter the Promised Land. He lost. He was to die after seeing the land from the mountain top.
A Miracle of Fire
What is the condition of your personal altar? Is it in good repair or do you need to work on it? God may not send fire from heaven, but God is ready to do great things in your life if you give yourself to Him.
Mercy Killing
Is mercy killing or euthanasia acceptable to God? Should we put to death those who are suffering with a terrible disease?
The Marring of the Girdle
Do your sins leave you good for nothing in the sight of God? Would you be willing to seek His face so that you might be a vessel of honour in His hands?
Life Giving Water
God's river brings eternal life to the believer in Christ so that
Knowing God
Is knowing God nothing more than an intellectual exercise to the Bible-believer? Are we allowed to have an experiential knowledge of Him?
Keep Your Eye on the Ball!
Are you able to concentrate on the task at hand? Jesus expected His disciples to have this trait.
Judge Me O Lord
When others speak wrongfully of you, what do you do? Do you take that time to ask God if what is being said is true? Do you turn to God and ask Him to search your heart for any wrong doing? You may be surprised what God would do in your heart during the times when you have been done wrong.
His Word Will Come To Pass
No other holy book for any major religion stakes its claim to authority on its ability to foretell the future.