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The Gospel of John VII - Lesson 5

                    The Coming of the Comforter                                   John 16:1-33

  1. OUR NEED FOR THE HOLY GHOST (John 16:1-6)
    1. The Coming of Persecution (John 16:1-4)
      1. The purpose for the warning (John 16:1)
        1. That they should not be offended
        2. The definition of offend in scripture
          1. Its most basic meaning is to strike against.
          2. Used mostly today in the sense of hurting one’s feelings in a manner that causes resentment (Proverbs 18:19; Matthew 13:57; Matthew 15:12; John 6:61; James 3:2)
          3. Also used in the sense of crossing a line and committing a trespass or sin (Job 34:31; Isaiah 29:21; Hosea 13:1; Acts 25:8, 11; James 2:10)
          4. Used often in the Bible in a stronger sense with the meaning of causing someone else to stumble or being caused to stumble
            1. Refusing to be offended (Psalm 119:165; Matthew 11:6)
            2. Offended into hell (Matthew 5:29-30)
            3. Offended by tribulation (Matthew 13:21)
            4. Danger of offending the little ones (Matthew 18:6)
            5. Offending the weaker brother (Romans 14:21; 1 Corinthians 8:13)
            6. Offended by the persecution of Jesus (Matthew 26:31-35; John 16:1)
      2. The manner of the persecution (John 16:2)
        1. They will put you out of the synagogue (John 9:22, 34; John 12:42; Luke 6:22).
        2. They will kill you (Acts 5:33; Acts 7:57-60).
        3. They will think that they have done God service (Acts 22:3-4; Philippians 3:6).
      3. The cause of the persecution (John 16:3; compare 1 John 5:1)
        1. They have not known the Father.
        2. They have not known the Son.
      4. The timing of the warning (John 16:4)
        1. So they will remember (compare John 14:29)
        2. Since Christ is now departing
    2. The Departure of Christ (John 16:5-6)
      1. The confusion of the disciples (John 16:5)
        1. He tells them of His departure.
        2. They do not ask of His destination.
          1. In John 13:36-37, Peter asked the question in ignorance, thinking that Jesus was referring to an earthly journey (see John 7:33-35). He was actually opposing the departure.
          2. In John 14:4-9, the disciples avoid directly asking the identity of His destination.
      2. The sorrow of the disciples (John 16:6)
        1. The source of their sorrow: His words (Acts 20:38)
        2. The effect of their sorrow: filled their heart
  2. THE WORK OF THE HOLY GHOST (John 16:7-15)
    1. In Relationship to the Believer (John 16:7)
      1. The advantage of Christ’s departure: the coming of the Comforter. The coming of the Spirit is such a blessing that it will be worth having Christ depart so that the Spirit will come (John 7:38-39; John 14:17).
      2. The ministry of the Holy Ghost
        1. To regenerate (John 3:5-8; Titus 3:5)
        2. To indwell (John 4:14; John 7:38-39; John 14:16-17)
        3. To comfort (John 14:16; John 16:7)
        4. To empower (Ephesians 3:16; Acts 4:31)
        5. To teach (John 14:26; John 16:13)
    2. In Relationship to the Unbeliever (John 16:8-11)
      1. Reproving the world (John 16:8); reprove means to blame, rebuke, convict.
      2. Reproving of sin (John 16:9; Romans 3:9-10)
        1. He will reprove them of the sin they have committed.
        2. The primary sin is that they do not believe on Jesus Christ.
      3. Reproving of righteousness (John 16:10; John 15:22; Romans 3:23)
        1. He will reprove of the righteousness they have failed to attain.
        2. When Christ was on the earth, He gave the perfect example of righteousness. Now that He is going away, the Holy Spirit will convict men of their failure.
      4. Reproving of judgment (John 16:11; Romans 6:23)
        1. He will reprove of the judgment to come (Acts 24:25).
        2. The prince of this world (John 14:30; Ephesians 2:2)
    3. In Relationship to Jesus Christ (John 16:12-15)
      1. To speak of Jesus Christ (John 16:12-13)
        1. New truth (John 16:12)
          1. Much needs to be said (see Acts 1:3).
          2. You cannot yet bear them (Hebrews 5:11).
            1. Their hope rested in His physical presence (Luke 24:19-21).
            2. Their expectation was of the earthly kingdom (Acts 1:6).
        2. All truth (John 16:13)
          1. From the Spirit of truth (1 John 5:6)
            1. An extension of Christ as the truth (John 14:6; John 16:7)
            2. A teacher of the word of truth (John 17:17)
          2. He will guide into all truth (Psalm 119:128); those who need to be guided are:
            1. The blind: who cannot see (2 Corinthians 4:4)
            2. The weak: who need help to go (2 Corinthians 12:9-10)
            3. The stranger: who does not know the land in which he travels (Hebrews 11:13)
          3. He will not speak of Himself; this is a key principle concerning the Holy Ghost. He exalts the Father and the Son and does not speak of Himself. Those who are empowered and influenced most by Him will also exalt the Son. They will not spend a great amount of time and energy exalting the Spirit.
          4. He will speak what He hears; as the Son (John 15:15).
          5. He will show of things to come (see Revelation 1:4, 10).
      2. NOTE: The promise of the New Testament books through the influence of the Holy Ghost
        1. Gospels (John 14:26) – “bring all things to your remembrance”
        2. Epistles (John 16:13) – “guide you into all truth”
        3. Revelation (John 16:13) – “shew you things to come”
      3. To glorify Jesus Christ (John 16:14-15; 1 Peter 1:12)
        1. The things that the Spirit shows
          1. They are the things of the Father.
          2. They were made the things of the Son.
          3. They will be shown to us by the Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:9-10).
        2. The Spirit glorifies the Son.
          1. In continuing the work of the Son
          2. In exalting the person of the Son (1 John 4:13-14)
  3. THE MESSAGE OF THE HOLY GHOST (John 16:16-33)
    1. Their Loss Turned to Gain (John 16:16-19)
      1. The declaration of Christ (John 16:16)
        1. His departure (John 13:31-33)
          1. In a little while
          2. Out of their sight
        2. His return (John 14:19-20; Acts 2:32-33)
          1. A little while
          2. They shall see Him (1 Corinthians 15:5-7).
          3. Evidently referring to the resurrection
        3. His departure to the Father
          1. After they have seen Him
          2. Refers to His ascension (Acts 1:9-10)
      2. The confusion of the disciples (John 16:17-19; Mark 9:31-32; Luke 9:43-45)
        1. Their confusion at His statements (John 16:17)
        2. Their confusion at “a little while” (John 16:18); this phrase is found seven times in John 16:16-19.
        3. Their fear to ask questions (John 16:19)
    2. Their Sorrow Turned to Joy (John 16:20-24)
      1. The joy of sorrow removed (John 16:20)
        1. The coming sorrow of the disciples (Mark 16:10)
        2. The coming joy of the world
        3. The sorrow turned into joy (Psalm 30:5; Isaiah 51:11; Luke 6:21; Luke 24:52; John 20:20)
      2. The joy of sorrow replaced (John 16:21; Psalm 126:5-6; 1 Peter 1:6-8)
        1. The sorrowful travail of a woman at birth
        2. The sorrow turned to joy at the birth of the child
      3. The joy of enduring quantity (John 16:22-23)
        1. The coming of joy at the presence of the Lord (John 16:22)
        2. The joy that no man can take away (John 16:22)
        3. The power of praying in the name of Jesus (John 16:23)
          1. Not to ask of the Son. This is not a command against praying to the Son under all circumstances. Rather, it is a change in standard practice. Instead of asking the Son to speak to the Father in our behalf (John 16:26), we can boldly come to the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16) in the name of and by the authority of the Son. See also Romans 8:32.
          2. But to ask of the Father
            1. In the name of the Son
            2. To receive of the Father (see Romans 8:34)
      4. The joy of complete quality (John 16:24)
        1. To ask in the name of the Son
        2. To ask and to receive
        3. To have fullness of joy (John 15:11; 1 John 1:4). The joy of the Christian life is directly related to asking requests of the Father and having them granted (1 Samuel 2:1; Job 33:26; Isaiah 56:7; Romans 12:12; Philippians 1:4; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17).
David Reagan

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 17:10

A reproof entereth more into a wise man than an hundred stripes into a fool.