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The Gospel of John V - Lesson 2

                        From Darkness into Light                                     John 9:1-41                                     (Continued)

    1. They Determined His Identity (John 9:8-9) – What?
      1. He was the same man who begged (John 9:8).
      2. But he seemed to be a different man too (John 9:9); this pictures the change salvation makes in a man (2 Corinthians 5:17).
    2. They Inquired of His Healing (John 9:10-11) – How?
      1. They want to know how it happened (John 9:10).
      2. He gave them his testimony (John 9:11; Acts 14:3; Acts 20:24).
    3. They Inquired of His Healer (John 9:12) – Who?
    4. They Brought Him to the Pharisees (John 9:13); one of the dangers to one newly born again is that he might be led to the religious who are spiritually dead. These will try to make a disciple out of them (Matthew 23:15).
    1. The Time of the Healing (John 9:14)
      1. On the Sabbath Day
      2. A continual point of contention (John 5:9, 16; John 7:21-23)
      3. The answer of Christ (Matthew 12:7-14)
    2. The Method of the Healing (John 9:15)
    3. The Accusation of the Pharisees (John 9:16)
      1. They declared that Jesus could not be of God because He broke the Sabbath traditions (Matthew 15:1-6).
      2. Others questioned the possibility of such blessed miracles coming from an evil man.
      3. A division was created among the people (John 7:43; John 9:16; John 10:19).
    4. The Testimony of the Blind Man (John 9:17) – “He is a prophet.”
    5. The Proof of the Healing (John 9:18)
      1. The Jews heard the testimony of the man’s parents
      2. The Jews now believed that he had been healed. Note: their continued rejection of Jesus was not based on disbelief of the identity of Christ, but on a knowing rejection of His lordship (John 11:45-48).
    1. They Identify Their Son (John 9:19-20).
      1. He is our son.
      2. He was born blind.
    2. They Claim Ignorance of the Method (John 9:21).
    3. They Fear Exclusion from the Synagogue (John 9:22-23).
      1. Their fear of religious retribution (John 9:22; John 7:13; Luke 12:4-9)
      2. Their knowledge of Jewish policy (John 9:22, 34; John 12:42-43)
      3. Their deferring to their son (John 9:23)
        1. He is of age.
        2. Ask him.
    1. The Man Refused to Reject Jesus (John 9:24-25).
      1. The attack of the Jews (John 9:24)
        1. Give God the praise.
        2. This man is a sinner.
      2. The response of the blind man (John 9:25)
        1. His identity may be unknown.
        2. The miracle is sure.
    2. The Man Challenged the Religious Authorities (John 9:26-27).
      1. The Jews asked again of the method (John 9:26).
      2. The man questioned their motives (John 9:27).
        1. Why do you want to hear it again?
        2. Would you also be His disciples?
    3. The Jews Rejected the Identity of Jesus (John 9:28-29).
      1. They revile the man born blind (John 9:28).
        1. You are His disciple.
        2. We are the disciples of Moses.
      2. They reject the person of Christ (John 9:29).
        1. God spoke to Moses.
        2. The source of Jesus is not known.
    4. The Man Testified of the Identity of Jesus (John 9:30-33).
      1. He is the worker of this marvelous miracle (John 9:30).
      2. He is one who is heard by God (John 9:31).
        1. Sinners are not heard by God (Proverbs 28:9; Isaiah 1:15).
        2. Those heard by God must meet His qualifications (Proverbs 15:29).
          1. He must be a worshipper of God.
          2. He must do the will of God (1 John 3:22).
      3. He must be of God (John 9:32-33).
    5. The Jews Cast the Man Out of the Synagogue (John 9:34).
      1. Accused of being born in sins. Note: although this is true, it is also true of those who were accusing him (Job 15:14-16; Job 25:4; Psalm 51:5).
      2. Unable to teach them (Romans 2:17-21)
      3. Cast out of the synagogue (see John 9:22)
    1. The Challenge of the Saviour (John 9:35)
      1. He heard that the man had been cast out.
      2. He sought and found the man.
      3. He asked the man if he believed on the Son of God (1 John 5:13).
    2. The Identity of the Son of God (John 9:36-37)
      1. The man only needed to know who He is (John 9:36).
      2. Christ identified Himself as the Son of God (John 9:37).
    3. The Faith of the Man Born Blind (John 9:38)
      1. He believed in Him.
      2. He worshipped Him (see Exodus 4:31 where the people believe and then worship); worship is the natural response to faith in God.
    1. The Purpose of Christ (John 9:39)
      1. To give sight to the blind (Luke 4:18; 2 Corinthians 4:4-6)
      2. To blind those who see (John 12:37-41; Romans 11:7-10)
    2. The Question of the Pharisees (John 9:40) – Are we blind also?
    3. The Response of Christ (John 9:41)
      1. The blind are able to get their sins removed.
      2. The seeing will have their sins remain on them.
      3. Note: Those who recognize their blindness seek the light and are able to find Christ and get their sins forgiven. Those who do not recognize their blindness but insist that they can see are unable to accept Christ as their light and so their sins remain on them (Isaiah 42:18-20; Revelation 3:17).
David Reagan

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 14:1

Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.