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The Book of Numbers 0006 - Lesson 3

Scripture Passage: 
Numbers 33:1-49

Chapter 33

The Journeys of the Children of Israel

    1. The Contents of the Chapter (Numbers 33:1)
    2. The Leaders of the Events in the Chapter (Numbers 33:1)
    3. The Record Keeper of These Events (Numbers 33:2)
      1. Moses wrote their goings out according to their journeys.
      2. These are their journeys according to their goings out.
      3. This chapter is not meant to give all of the details; rather it is to focus on their goings out.
      4. This was done in this way by the commandment of the LORD.
    1. From Egypt to the Wilderness of Sinai (Numbers 33:3-15)
      1. The time and circumstances of the departure (Numbers 33:3-4)
        1. The time (Numbers 33:3)
          1. They departed from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month.
          2. This is the morrow after the Passover.
        2. The circumstances (Numbers 33:4)
          1. The Egyptians buried all their firstborn.
          2. The Lord’s judgment was twofold.
            1. Upon the Egyptians
            2. Upon the gods of the Egyptians
      2. From Rameses to Succoth (Numbers 33:5)
        1. Time frame
          1. This occurs at Exodus 12:37.
          2. Their stay ends at Exodus 13:20.
        2. Events
          1. The establishment of unleavened bread (Exodus 13:1-10)
          2. God led them not through the way of the Philistines although that was near (Exodus 13:17).
          3. God led the people about, through the way of the wilderness of the Red Sea (Exodus 13:18).
      3. From Succoth to Etham (Numbers 33:6)
        1. Etham is in the edge of the wilderness.
        2. Time frame
          1. This occurs at Exodus 13:20.
          2. Their stay ends at Exodus 14:2.
      4. From Etham to Pihahiroth (Numbers 33:7)
        1. Time frame
          1. This occurs at Exodus 14:2.
          2. Their stay ends at Exodus 14:21.
        2. Details about the place
          1. It is between Migdol and the sea.
          2. It is over against Baalzephon.
          3. Pharaoh would think that the people were entangled in the land and that the wilderness had shut them in.
        3. Events
          1. Pharaoh’s heart is hardened.
          2. Pharaoh led an army to get the Israelites.
          3. Pharaoh and his army overtook the Israelites encamping by the sea (Exodus 14:9).
          4. Moses cried out to the Lord and the Lord told him that Israel needed to go forward.
          5. Moses was instructed to lift his rod and that the children of Israel were to go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.
      5. From Pihahiroth  to Marah (Numbers 33:8)
        1. Time frame
          1. This occurs at Exodus 14:21.
          2. Their stay ends at Exodus 15:27.
        2. Events
          1. This is the time of the Red Sea crossing.
          2. Israel crosses on dry ground.
          3. Egypt’s army is drowned.
          4. The children of Israel take a three day journey through the wilderness and find no water.
          5. At Marah they could not drink the water because it was bitter.
          6. The Lord showed Moses a tree which, when he cast it into the water, made the water sweet.
      6. From Marah to Elim (Numbers 33:9)
        1. This occurs at Exodus 15:27.
        2. At Elim there were twelve wells of water and seventy palm trees.
      7. From Elim to the Red Sea (Numbers 33:10)
        1. This occurs at Exodus 16:1.
      8. From the Red Sea to the Wilderness of Sin (Numbers 33:11)
        1. Time frame
          1. This occurs at Exodus 16:1.
          2. It occurs on the 15th day of the 2nd month after they were come out of the land of Egypt.
          3. Their stay ends at Exodus 17:1.
        2. The wilderness of Sin is between Elim and Sinai.
        3. The events
          1. The people murmured for food.
          2. God promised bread in the morning and flesh in the evening.
          3. A pot of manna was laid up in the Ark of the Covenant.
      9. From the Wilderness of Sin to Dophkah (Numbers 33:12)
      10. From Dophkah to Alush (Numbers 33:13)
      11. From Alush to Rephidim (Numbers 33:14)
        1. Some of these stops are not mentioned in Exodus.
        2. Exodus goes from the wilderness of Sin to Rephidim (Exodus 17:1).
        3. Rephidim is a place where Israel murmured about no water and the Lord instructed Moses to go to the rock in Horeb and smite it.
        4. It appears the name of Rephidim becomes Massah and Meribah.
        5. Rephidim is where Amalek comes to fight against Israel.
        6. This is the battle where Moses’ hands must be held up.
        7. This is the place where Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, gives the advice concerning the judges.
        8. Their stay ends at Exodus 19:1-2.
      12. From Rephidim to the Wilderness of Sinai (Numbers 33:15)
        1. The children of Israel enter Sinai in Exodus 19:1-2.
        2. This occurs in the 3rd month after they were come out of Egypt.
        3. This location finishes out the Book of Exodus.
        4. This is where Moses received the law of God and the place where Israel made the calf.
        5. This is the place where Numbers picks up (Numbers 1:1) and this is where they stay until  the 20th day of the 2nd month in the 2nd year after they came out of Egypt (Numbers 10:12).
    2. From Sinai to Kadesh (Numbers 33:16-36)
      1. From the Desert of Sinai to Kibrothhattaavah (Numbers 33:16)
        1. Kibrothhataavah received its name because of a sin of Israel (Numbers 11:34).
        2. This is the place where the people complained for flesh to eat.
        3. They left this place in Numbers 11:35.
      2. From Kibrothhataavah to Hazeroth (Numbers 33:17)
        1. The time frame
          1. They arrive in Hazeroth in Numbers 11:35.
          2. They leave in Numbers 12:16.
        2. The events
          1. This is the place where Miriam and Aaron murmured against Moses.
          2. Miriam was shut out of the camp because the Lord smote her with leprosy.
          3. When Miriam returned they left Hazeroth.
      3. From Hazeroth to Rithmah (Numbers 33:18)
      4. From Rithmah to Rimmonparez (Numbers 33:19)
      5. From Rimmonparez to Libnah (Numbers 33:20)
      6. From Libnah to Rissah (Numbers 33:21)
      7. From Rissah to Kehelathah (Numbers 33:22)
      8. From Kehelathah to Mount Shapher (Numbers 33:23)
      9. From Mount Shapher to Haradah (Numbers 33:24)
      10. From Haradah to Makheloth (Numbers 33:25)
      11. From Makheloth to Tahath (Numbers 33:26)
      12. From Tahath to Tarah (Numbers 33:27)
      13. From Tarah to Mithcah (Numbers 33:28)
      14. From Mithcah to Hashmonah (Numbers 33:29)
      15. From Hashmonah to Moseroth (Numbers 33:30)
      16. From Moseroth to Benejaakan (Numbers 33:31)
      17. From Benejaakan to Horhagidgad (Numbers 33:32)
      18. From Horhagidgad to Jotbathah (Numbers 33:33)
      19. From Jotbathah to Ebronah (Numbers 33:34)
      20. From Ebronah to Eziongaber (Numbers 33:35)
      21. From Eziongaber to Kadesh (Numbers 33:36)
        1. From Rithmah to Eziongaber is all considered the wilderness of Paran (Numbers 12:16).
        2. The children of Israel arrive in Kadesh in Numbers 20.
        3. This period includes
          1. Spying the land of Canaan
          2. The unbelief of the congregation
          3. The rebellion of Korah
          4. The confirmation of the high priest
          5. The red heifer
    3. From Kadesh to Mount Hor (Numbers 33:37)
      1. The time frame
        1. Israel arrives in Kadesh in Numbers 20:1.
        2. Israel leaves Kadesh in Numbers 20:22.
      2. The events
        1. The death of Miriam (Numbers 20:1)
        2. No water for the congregation (Numbers 20:2)
        3. The people rise up against Moses and Aaron (Numbers 20:2-3).
        4. The Israelites blame the wrong people for being in the wilderness (Numbers 20:4-5).
        5. Moses disobeys God concerning the rock (Numbers 20:10-11).
        6. The refusal of Edom to allow Israel passage (Numbers 20:18)
  3. THE DEATH OF THE HIGH PRIEST (Numbers 33:38-39)
    1. The Division of Time
      1. The first part of this chapter is dealing with the journeys of God’s people.
      2. The last part of this chapter is dealing with the journeys of God’s people.
      3. The Lord divides all of these events with the death of Aaron.
    2. The Reminder Given
      1. We already read about this in great detail in Numbers 20.
      2. The Lord for some reason brings us back around to the details again.
    1. The Fear of the Enemy (Numbers 33:40)
    2. From Hor to the Jordan (Numbers 33:41-49)
      1. From Mount Hor to Zalmonah (Numbers 33:41)
      2. From Zalmonah to Punon (Numbers 33:42)
      3. From Punon to Oboth (Numbers 33:43)
        1. The Israelites arrive in Oboth in Numbers 21:10.
        2. Somewhere in this time is the occurrence of the brasen serpent on the pole.
      4. From Oboth to Ijeabarim (Numbers 33:44)
        1. This move occurs in Numbers 21:11.
        2. They are said to be toward the rising of the sun.
      5. From Iim to Dibongad (Numbers 33:45)
      6. From Dibongad to Almondiblathaim (Numbers 33:46)
      7. From Almondiblathaim to the Mountains of Abarim (Numbers 33:47)
      8. From the mountains of Abarim to the plains of Moab (Numbers 33:48-49)
    1. This Chapter Mentions Forty-Two Places.
      1. It starts in Egypt.
      2. It ends in the plains of Moab.
    2. Forty-Two and Testings
      1. The math
        1. 42 = 6 x 7
        2. Six is the number of man.
        3. Seven is the number of God’s work.
      2. The wilderness wanderings
        1. This time was a time of conflict between man and God’s will.
      3. The time of drought (James 5:17)
      4. The time of the tribulation (Revelation 11:1-2; Revelation 13:1-5)
      5. The generations of Christ in Matthew
        1. The 42 generations come from the genealogy of Christ as recorded in Matthew chapter one. It goes from Abraham to Jesus Christ and has 42 generations by the record of scripture itself.
        2. Matthew 1:17 - "So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations."
        3. However, notice that the verse does not specifically state that there are 42 generations. It says rather that there are three groups of 14 generations. This is important because when someone counts through the generations, only 41 can be found in a straight count. But notice the wording of Matthew 1:17. David is included in both the first list of 14 names and the second list of 14 names. He is the fourteenth generation from Abraham, but he is the beginning of another set of 14. That is why the straight count only gives 41 names.
Andrew Ray

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 10:26

As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to them that send him.