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The Book of Numbers 0002 - Lesson 5

Scripture Passage: 
Numbers 9:17-23; Numbers 10:1-36

Chapter 9 (Continued) (There is currently no audio for this lesson.)

The Second Passover (Continued)

  1. THE PRESENCE OF GOD (Numbers 9:15-23) (Continued)
    1. The Presence of God Leads the Way (Numbers 9:17-23).
      1. Cloud taken up
        1. Time to journey (Numbers 9:17)
        2. No matter what time of day (Numbers 9:21)
      2. Cloud abides
        1. Time to rest (Numbers 9:17)
        2. Place of God’s choosing (Numbers 9:17)
        3. Time to stay put and keep the charge of the Lord (Numbers 9:18, 19, 20, 22)
      3. The people of God were not to go where His presence did not lead them.
      4. They were not to pitch their tents where the presence of God did not lead them.

Chapter 10

Time to Journey

    1. Problems in the Chapter
      1. The order of the march
        1. In Numbers 2 the order of march was:
          1. Judah
          2. Reuben
          3. Levites
          4. Ephraim
          5. Dan
        2. In Numbers 10 it appears to be:
          1. Ark
          2. Judah
          3. Gershon and Merari
          4. Reuben
          5. Kohathites
          6. Ephraim
          7. Dan
      2. The identity of Hobab (Exodus 2:18, Exodus  4:18, Exodus 18:5; Numbers 10:29; Judges 4:11)
        1. “Thus Moses urged Hobab, his father-in-law (or ‘brother-in-law’) to accompany him on the journey.” The Book of Numbers by Charles R. Erdman pages 41-42
        2. “How strange to find Moses saying to Hobab, his Midianite relative,”  Explore the Book by J Sidlow Baxter page 174
        3. “The relation of Hobab to Moses is uncertain because ‘father-in-law’ is a general term for relation by marriage.  Raguel is Reuel in Exodus 2:18.”  Through the Pentateuch Chapter by Chapter by W.H. Griffith Thomas page 142.
        4. Hobab is “the father-in-law or brother-in-law of Moses.  The phrase ‘father-in-law’ in Judges 4:11 may possibly mean nothing more than ‘in-law,’ or perhaps Jethro was also named Hobab; but the identity is uncertain.”  Rice Reference Edition Study Bible by John R. Rice page 1410.
        5. Jethro is “called Reuel in Exodus 2:18.  In Numbers 10:29, the KJV calls him Raguel; but the Hebrew text reads Reuel.”  Rice Reference Edition Study Bible by John R. Rice page 1418.
        6. Hobab was the son of Jethro and thence the brother-in-law of Moses. He is said to have followed the Israelites to the promised land ( Canaan). (
        7. Hobab: “a Kenite man who has been usually identified with Jethro….In Judges 4:11, the word rendered ‘father-in-law’ means properly any male relative by marriage (compare Genesis 19:14, ‘son-in-law,’ A.V.), and should be rendered ‘brother-in-law,’ as in the R.V.” (
        8. “Perhaps this is a good analogy...reading the Bible without knowing Greek and Hebrew is like watching a 25" television...while reading the Bible knowing Greek and Hebrew is like watching a 60" plasma HDTV with stereo surround sound. You can understand what is going on with the 25" television, but the 60" plasma HDTV with stereo surround sound gives added clarity. With God's help, anyone can accurately understand the Bible in English. However, knowing Hebrew and Greek helps to understand the Bible a little better.” (
    2. Division
      1. The trumpets (Numbers 10:1-10)
      2. The overview of the journey (Numbers 10:11-12)
      3. The order of the march (Numbers 10:13-28)
      4. The invitation given to Hobab (Numbers 10:29-32)
      5. The departure (Numbers 10:33-36)
  2. THE TRUMPETS (Numbers 10:1-10)
    1. Directions for the Trumpets (Numbers 10:1-2)
      1. Makeup of the trumpets
        1. Two trumpets of silver
        2. Of a whole piece
      2. Purposes of the trumpets
        1. Calling of the assembly
        2. Journeying of the camp
    2. The Blowing of the Trumpets (Numbers 10:3-10)
      1. Blowing the trumpet (Numbers 10:3-4, 7)
        1. Blow both trumpets and all of the congregation assembles at the door of the tabernacle (Numbers 10:3).
        2. Blow with one trumpet and the princes shall assemble (Numbers 10:4).
      2. Blowing the alarm (Numbers 10:5-7)
        1. Blow one alarm and the camps on the east shall move forward (Numbers 10:5).
        2. Blow the alarm a second time and the camps that lie on the south side shall take their journey (Numbers 10:6).
        3. We would assume that the same scenario would signify the journey of those on the west, north, and perhaps once for the Kohathites, once for the Merarites and once for the Gershonites in the midst of the camp.
        4. The trumpet that sounded to call Dan to go forward would be the last trump. That would be when everyone in the camp was called to go. (1 Thessalonians 4:15-16) You can see how this picture would be so powerful to the early believers. The last trump indicated that the entire congregation was now on the move. That is the picture that Paul is using in 1 Corinthians 15:52. Just as the last trumpet call in the wilderness meant that the entire congregation was on the move, so the last trump at the time of the rapture will indicate that the entire church of the redeemed is called up: both the living and the dead. This trumpet marks the departure of the Church, but it also marks a coming oppression for the Israelites (Numbers 10:9).
      3. An ordinance for ever (Numbers 10:8)
      4. Times for the trumpets (Numbers 10:9-10)
        1. War in your land (Numbers 10:9)
          1. War is in their land.
          2. The enemy is oppressing them.
          3. They will be remembered before the Lord.
          4. They will be saved from their enemies.
        2. The day of your gladness (Numbers 10:10)
        3. In your solemn days (Numbers 10:10)
        4. In the beginning of your months (Numbers 10:10)
        5. Over your burnt offerings (Numbers 10:10)
        6. Over your peace offerings (Numbers 10:10)
  3. THE OVERVIEW OF THE JOURNEY (Numbers 10:11-12)
    1. Time
      1. The 20th day of the 2nd month in the 2nd year
      2. The tabernacle was reared on the 1st day of the 1st month in the 2nd year.
      3. The offerings of the people go from approximately the 1st day to the 13th day of the 1st month and 2nd year.
      4. The passover occurs on the 14th day of the 1st month in the 2nd year and the 14th day of the 2nd month in the 2nd year.
    2. Place
      1. Out of the wilderness of Sinai or the mount of the Lord in Numbers 10:33
      2. To the wilderness of Paran
  4. THE ORDER OF THE MARCH (Numbers 10:13-28)
    1. Order
      1. Judah (Numbers 10:14-16)
        1. Judah – led by Nahshon son of Amminadab
        2. Issachar – led by Nethaneel son of Zuar
        3. Zebulun – led by Eliab son of Helon
      2. Gershon and Merari (Numbers 10:17)
        1. Tabernacle taken down
        2. They bear the tabernacle.
      3. Reuben (Numbers 10:18-20)
        1. Reuben – led by Elizur son of Shedeur
        2. Simeon – led by Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai
        3. Gad – led by Eliasaph son of Deuel
      4. Kohathites bearing the sanctuary (Numbers 10:21)
      5. Ephraim (Numbers 10:22-24)
        1. Ephraim – led by Elishama son of Ammihud
        2. Manasseh – led by Gamaliel son of Pedahzur
        3. Benjamin – led by Abidan son of Gideoni
      6. Dan (Numbers 10:25-28)
        1. Dan – led by Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai
        2. Asher – led by Pagiel son of Ocran
        3. Naphtali – led by Ahira son of Enan
        4. Rereward is another spelling for rearward and is related to rear guard. Ward is congruent to guard (Acts 12:10). Found six times in scripture: Numbers 10:25; Joshua 6:9, 13; 1 Samuel 29:2; Isaiah 52:12, Isaiah 58:8. It acts both as a rear guard and as reserve forces.
    2. According to the Commandment of the Lord
      1. This tells us that the children of Israel marched the way God wanted them to march.
      2. Most commentators assume that Gershon and Merari marched after Judah, but it is very possible that they began taking down the tabernacle after Judah and still marched after Reuben.
      3. Reasons why I believe that they still marched in the order mentioned in Numbers 2 with the exception of a few Kohathites up front with the ark of the covenant:
        1. Numbers 2:34 says “so they pitched by their standards, and so they set forward.”  They did not set forward until Numbers 10:11.
        2. They would have needed time to take down the tabernacle, so it would make sense for them to get started before time to fall in rank.
        3. Numbers 10:6 says, “when ye blow an alarm the second time, then the camps on the south side shall take their journey”.  If the sons of Gershon and Merari were marching second I would think that this alarm would have been for them instead of for Reuben.
  5. THE INVITATION GIVEN TO HOBAB (Numbers 10:29-32)
    1. Who is Hobab?
      1. Names of concern
        1. Jethro
        2. Reuel
        3. Hobab
        4. Raguel
      2. Things we know
        1. Jethro is Moses’ father-in-law and is with Zipporah (Exodus 3:1; Exodus 4:18; Exodus 18:1-6).
        2. Reuel is Zipporah’s father or Moses’ father-in-law (Exodus 2:18, 21).
        3. Hobab is Moses’ father-in-law (Numbers 10:29).
        4. Jethro is Reuel is Hobab.
          1. If this is a problem then it should bother you that Simon is Peter is Cephas.
          2. People often had multiple names and oftentimes it had to do with meanings of names (Acts 4:36).
        5. Who is Raguel? (Numbers 10:29)
          1. Non-restrictive phrases:  phrases not essential to the meaning of the noun they modify should be followed, set off, or preceded by commas.
          2. Notice that the phrase “the son of Raguel the Midianite” is set off by commas.  This would tell us that this is not necessary for the understanding of the passage but rather is additional information.
          3. The verse could just as well read Hobab…Moses’ father-in-law.  So who is Raguel?  He is the father of Hobab and God just gave us a little additional information that wasn’t necessary for the sentence to make sense.
    2. The Invitation to Hobab (Numbers 10:29)
      1. Come thou with us.
      2. We will do thee good.
    3. The Rejection of Hobab (Numbers 10:30)
      1. I will not go.
      2. I will depart to mine own land.
      3. I will depart to my own kindred.
    4. The Dependency upon Hobab (Numbers 10:31)
      1. Thou knowest how we are to encamp.
      2. Be to us instead of eyes.
    5. The Appeal to Hobab (Numbers 10:32)
      1. It shall be.
      2. What goodness the Lord shall do unto us
      3. The same will we do unto thee.
    6. Hobab Accepted
      1. They departed (Numbers 10:33).
      2. Hobab’s kindred were in the land later (Judges 4:11).
  6. THE DEPARTURE (Numbers 10:33-36)
    1. The Details of the Departure (Numbers 10:33-34)
      1. Three days journey
      2. The ark of the covenant went before.
      3. To search out a resting place
      4. This could in itself be a very wonderful picture of Jesus Christ.
        1. Presence of God
          1. The tabernacle is the very place of God’s presence.
          2. Jesus Christ is God Himself – not veiled in the tabernacle but rather veiled in flesh (John 1:14; 1 Timothy 3:16).
        2. Taken down
          1. The tabernacle was not erected long before it was taken down.
          2. Jesus Christ was cut off out of the land of the living (Isaiah 53:8) but not for himself (Daniel 9:26). He likened His death to the destruction of a temple (John 2:19).
        3. A three days’ journey
          1. The tabernacle is said to have gone on a 3 days’ journey with the people.
          2. Our Lord went on a 3 day trip into the heart of the earth.
        4. A resting place
          1. The ark of the covenant went out in the lead to search out a resting place for them.
          2. Our Lord’s work in the heart of the earth was in the intent of procuring a resting place for the people of God.
Andrew Ray

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 13:1

A wise son heareth his father's instruction: but a scorner heareth not rebuke.