King James Conference 2010
As you have surely noticed, we are living in perilous times. Our country stands besieged by those who claim to be its strongest supporters. The Bible was abolished as an authority many decades ago, and our Constitution has since joined it in exile. Be sure our liberties are riding the fast track out as well.
If this were our only fight as Bible-believing Christians, it would be a great challenge. Yet the fight is broader. Just as in the political realm, some in our midst are hurling attacks at the blessed King James Bible, even while claiming to be its staunchest supporters. They despise terms like inspiration and perfect being used in association with a “translation of the Bible.” Perhaps they have forgotten that their “originals” were filled with translations that they claim are inspired and perfect.
It is high time that God’s people separate themselves from those who wave the banner of Christ, yet trample on His words. We must come out from among them. We must search out others who truly believe the Book and associate ourselves with those of like mind. I am not trying to build a new “camp.” I am sick of “camps.” I am speaking of fellowshipping with Bible-believing Christians under the leadership of the Author.
It is with this in mind that we would like to invite you to attend this year’s King James Bible Believers’ Conference in Knoxville, Tennessee. The dates will be June 7th and 8th, 2010. We will have two evening preachers each night (services begin at 7 p.m.), and will have several preachers called from the floor on the morning of the 8th (services begin at 9 a.m.). Missionaries and other ministries will have an opportunity to set up displays with prior approval. I assure you that this is a meeting you do not want to miss. You will make new friends and be reacquainted with old friends.
If you plan on attending, please let us know by registering online at, giving us a call or sending us a note. We have reserved a special hotel rate at the Clarion Inn (5634 Merchant Center Blvd - 865.687.8989) in Knoxville. Remember to mention that you need the King James Conference rate. We look forward to seeing you here!