The Old and New Covenants
The Bible deals with the Old and the New Covenant. What is the difference between the two? Who did God make the covenants with?
The Names of God
What is the name of God? Did God reveal his name to us. He has so many names throughout the bible and I wonder what name are we supposed to call Him and why?
Millennium Sacrifices
What would be the purpose of having sacrifices during the millennial reign when Christ has already provided the sacrifice?
Melchizedek - Who was he?
Who was Melchizedek? Is this an appearance of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament or was this someone else?
Losing Your Salvation in 2 Peter
I believe in eternal security but someone recently showed me a couple of passages from 2 Peter that were difficult.
The Lily of the Valley
Can you tell me what the flower that is "the lily of the valley" symbolically referred to Christ? I would like to know if this is the same 'lily' promoted as the 'Easter lily'. After examining some of the roots of the holiday called "Easter", it is easy to see that most of this 'holiday' has nothing to do with the Resurrection of Christ.
King Saul and King Solomon - Are they in Hell?
I know King Saul committed suicide and King Solomon worshipped idols, so are they in hell?
James vs. Paul
I've been having a heated discussion with a fellow church member about the differences between James and Paul. How James was under a different dispensation than Paul, my friend can't buy that. I was wondering what scriptures I could show him that would back up my argument? I tried to explain how James was a legalist, that his teaching was faith plus works for salvation, and Paul's teaching is Faith. Can you help?