The Seven Years of Famine
the seven years of famine...we will take this incident in history as an allegory giving a picture of greater truths
Given to Hospitality
The story in Genesis 18:1-8 provides a wonderful example of hospitality.
Back to Bethel
many of the trials and troubles we face are meant to teach us deeper and deeper confidence in Him alone.
The Coming Kingdom of God
A time will come when God’s people will live in peace. This is the time of the thousand-year reign of Christ.
Bethlehem – the House of Bread
We will look at Bethlehem as a type of God’s supply for the hungry in five different incidents in the Bible.
God of the Impossible
God’s special display of power is reserved for special times of need. God rarely shows Himself when He is not sought. His habit is to perform His miracles in the face of the impossible. Sometimes, the situation needs to get to the impossible before He will work in power and great glory.
Family Problems
Many families have problems with one member turning against another. This is the direct result of the coming of sin into the world.
He Made the Stars Also
As an expression of God’s creative power, the stars cause us to praise the Lord. As an object of worship, the stars lead to destruction. But those who serve God in righteousness will shine as the stars forever. Let us all worship and serve our great Creator.
God’s Purpose for this Age of Grace
God’s purpose for this age is not to create an earthly utopia, as taught by the Reconstructionists and other Amillennialists. However, that does not mean that our outlook is pessimistic. It is pessimistic only if we keep our eyes on the world.
What We Keep in Heaven
It is not what we escape, but what we gain, by going to heaven that thrills our souls. It is not our desire to be unclothed, but to be clothed upon, that moves us to seek its residence.