February 2016 Update from LearntheBible
Dear Friends,
We hope this correspondence finds you joyfully serving the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no higher calling than the calling to serve the Saviour who gave His life for us. We pray that you are fulfilling that calling in your life.
Available Resources
We continue to make materials available to help those who are actively involved in the Lord's work. We now have good number of resources available in multimedia as well as in print.
In addition to the thousands of free resources available online, we now have available content on our YouTube Channel. Our desire is to create a channel that can serve as a 24/7 online TV or Radio Station. We currently need to increase the number of subscribers in order to take advantage of some of the benefits of a YouTube Channel. Please consider subscribing today!
We are also pleased to announce that another book is going to print this week. In 2014, we published Daily Strength, a devotional book for individuals and families. A few months back, we published Daily Strength 2, a second devotional book. This week, we go to print with Reviving the Blessed Hope of Thessalonians, a commentary on the prophetic events of First and Second Thessalonians. All of these materials are available on BibleDoug.com or on Amazon. For those uncomfortable with online shopping, you can send a check or money order to Antioch Baptist Publications, 5709 North Broadway, Knoxville, TN 37918. Be sure to include the title and quantity desired in the memo line of the check. Also, make sure the desired mailing address is readily available.
Annual King James Bible Conference (June 6th, 7th, and 8th)
This year's Bible conference will somewhat different as it pertains to schedule. Normally, the services are held on Monday evening, Tuesday morning, and Tuesday evening. This year, we will add services on Wednesday morning and Wednesday evening. Each evening service will have two preachers and a meal to follow. Preachers will be called from the floor for the morning services.
For those who have never attended, these meetings always prove to be a source of great encouragement. The preaching is convicting, the singing is stirring, the fellowship is encouraging, and the food is wonderful. We will have special rates with area hotels. So please write or call our church if you would like more information.
Antioch Baptist Church
The Lord has been good to us at Antioch! We continue to see good attendance in the services, including visitors both new and return. Folks seem to be growing in their knowledge of the scriptures and in their walk with the Lord. The Lord has truly blessed us with wonderful young people, families, widows, and men.
As to the building, we are getting closer to having the inside complete aside from audio/video upgrades. After that, we really need to do some things to the outside in order to make the property more appealing and accessible to visitors.
Pastor Ray's Prayer Letter
Each month, our pastor (Andrew Ray) emails a prayer letter with news, information, and prayer requests regarding the ministries of Antioch Baptist Church. If you would like to receive these prayer letters via email please write him at pastorray@learnthebible.org and request to be added to the list.