The Final Years of Solomon
Solomon had it all and lost much of it before his death and even more afterwards. Will you allow your love of the things of the world to draw you away from God as the years go by?
The Wealth and Fame of Solomon
Solomon received great wealth, not by war, but by his wise and understanding heart given to him by God. This wisdom led queen of Sheba (located in Saudi Arabia) and others to give Solomon much riches.
The Continuing Reign of Solomon
This chapter and the next mark the height of Solomon’s reign. But there is a warning here too. We will see later how his wealth and his wives draw him away from the Lord.
The Dedication of the Temple
The ark of the covenant was brought from the city of David. Solomon’s Temple was on Mount Moriah and was located to the north of the city of David which is Zion – Zion was later used to refer to the entire city of Jerusalem and also to the heavenly abode of God.
The Building of Solomon’s Temple
The passage lists the various aspects of the temple as part of this pattern that God had given him. Therefore, the pattern for Solomon’s temple comes from God and must have special spiritual significance.
The Prayer of Solomon (Daily Portion 10502)
This chapter records the prayer of King Solomon at the dedication of the newly built Temple in Jerusalem. This portion deals with his approach unto God and the beginning of his prayer. Solomon first blessed the congregation and then blessed the name of the Lord. Then, He reminded the Lord of promises yet to be kept. We can learn much from the prayer of Solomon.
Preparing the Temple for Use (Daily Portion 10425)
Solomon had completed the temple his father David had desired to build. Now Solomon prepares the temple for use. The most important act of preparation is to bring the ark into the temple. This is a cause for much sacrifice and praise.
Waiting on the Promise (Daily Portion 10423)
In this chapter, both Sarai (Sarah) and Abram (Abraham) are impatient and cannot wait for the Lord to fulfill His promise of a son. Sarah offers her handmaid Hagar to Abraham as a means to a son and Abraham quickly accepts the offer. Their refusal to wait on the Lord results in additional trials and sorrows. It has always been and will ever be so.
Unrighteous Judgment in the Land (Daily Portion 10419)
This psalm laments the lack of righteous judgment in the world. The judges judge unjustly and the poor and needy are afflicted. But God promises to judge the judges. He will destroy the unrighteous judges and will righteously judge the inhabitants of the earth Himself. Then, all judgment will be righteous judgment.
David’s Sin in Numbering the People
Who led David to number the people? One place you read that it was God and yet in another place it was Satan. Is this a contradiction in the word of God?