Our Walk Among the Brethren
Our walk in the world is important, but just as important is our walk among other believers.
Paul’s Prayer for the Ephesians
Many of our prayers are carnal and selfish. Paul’s prayers held some spiritual meat and were directed towards spiritual blessings for other believers. Perhaps we would do well to return to spiritual prayer.
The Revelation of the One Body
Paul was thrilled to be in the ministry and be able to share the good news to those who did not know Christ. Shouldn’t we be the same?
Balancing Truth and Love
John is writing to the “elect lady” who has seemingly erred on the side of love and needs to give more heed to the truth.
Three Keys to Staying on the Right Track
Are you willing to give yourself to charity, a good conscience and faith in the words of God? According to the scriptures, a departure from these principles will end in danger every time.
Some Things that Cause me to Marvel
May the Lord convict us when we go the way of the world.
Paul’s Prayer for the Ephesians
Perhaps we ought to spend more time praying for the spiritual blessings than the materialistic blessings.
The Cycle of Love
How should we love our brethren? Like the Son loves us and like the Father loves the Son.
The Father of Lies
In our day we have reduced lies to bad lies and white lies. We justify reasons for not telling the truth and it is so much a part of us that our conscience doesn’t even bother us any more.