Prince of Persia
Daniel 10:13-23 mentions the princes (guardian angels) of Persia and Greece; Who is none: are they other princes/angels of nations, do these type angels rule the nations in our times yet and if yes how can we experience them?
Doesn't the Bible indicate that God has already chosen those He will save, we just do not know who they are, because we do not have the "foreknowledge" spoken about in the Bible?
No Longer Saved?
I have been asked about when being truly saved when you were a young person and then falling short on the glory of God and doing some really bad stuff like committing adultery and bad language. Does this mean you are no longer saved?
The Mystery of the Faith
What is "the mystery of the faith" found in 1 Timothy 3:9?
Miracle of Water Into Wine
Why did Jesus turn the water to wine (besides the fact the people had ran out) and why was it his first miracle?
Lordship Salvation
What is the meaning of lordship salvation? Is it biblical? When a person accepts Christ as their personal Saviour, must they also accept Him as Lord of all?
Local versus Universal Church
Question asked about the local/universal church argument.
The Lily of the Valley
Can you tell me what the flower that is "the lily of the valley" symbolically referred to Christ? I would like to know if this is the same 'lily' promoted as the 'Easter lily'. After examining some of the roots of the holiday called "Easter", it is easy to see that most of this 'holiday' has nothing to do with the Resurrection of Christ.
Let Him Be Accursed
In Galatians 1:9, what does the phrase "let him be accursed" mean? Does this passage condemn to hell anyone who preaches another gospel?
James vs. Paul
I've been having a heated discussion with a fellow church member about the differences between James and Paul. How James was under a different dispensation than Paul, my friend can't buy that. I was wondering what scriptures I could show him that would back up my argument? I tried to explain how James was a legalist, that his teaching was faith plus works for salvation, and Paul's teaching is Faith. Can you help?