Being Troubled About the Sabbath
Do you have people telling you that you have taken the mark of the beast by worshipping on Sunday? Do they try to convince you that you are evil because you do not keep the sabbath? Here are some pointers on how to handle this confrontation.
Sunday Worship
Most Christian denominations worship on Sunday except for the Seventh Day Adventist. Which is right?
Standing Against False Doctrine
I was just looking at your website and I don't understand why Christians can write such hateful speech about other Christians who might disagree or struggle to believe their point of view.
Shouting in Church
Is shouting Biblical to do in the house of God or is it necessary?
Music in the New Testament Church
Are instruments allowed in the worship service? What should be the purpose of the music in a worship service? All of this and more is covered in this article.
Using Biblical Terminology
David Cloud has an excellent article on his site that I encourage you to read. It deals with our tendency to speak of salvation using unbiblical phrases. We talk about "giving our life to Christ" or "inviting Jesus into our hearts" as if these phrases truly described the act of salvation. They do not. That does not mean that those who use these phrases are unsaved. It only means we are sloppy in our terminology. This is important because these phrases are also sloppy in doctrinal meaning. We are not saved by inviting Jesus into our hearts but by believing on Him. It is true that we receive Him (John 1:12; Colossians 2:6), but this refers more to a receiving of His way and person. Our hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9). Why should we invite Jesus in? The point is that we should get as close as possible to biblical terminology and meaning. Sloppy appeals for converts tend to make sloppy converts.
Choose Life (Daily Portion 10306)
The Lord promises that He will restore the scattered Israelites to the land of promise when they repent and return to Him. Continued possession of the land is based on obedience to the commandments of God. This day the Israelites have a choice to make between blessing and cursing; between life and death. God pleads with them to choose life.
Not Ashamed of the Gospel (Daily Portion 10218)
Paul speaks of his desire to preach the gospel as a debtor to all men. He also speaks of the responsibility of all men to respond to the revelation given to them.
Adam to Noah (Daily Portion 10205)
This chapter gives the family line from Adam to Noah, a total of ten generations. This includes man