Amid the Coronavirus Fears
A Message from LTB
In times of uncertainty, we are reminded that "The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him" (Nahum 1:7). Sadly, life in much of the world has come to a halt because of the unknowns of the Coronavirus. We should remember that what is unknown to us is well-known by God. He is still in control and at work in the world. Instead of giving way to fear, increase your faith by reading your Bible and seeking the face of the only hope we have, the Lord God Almighty. To help you maintain a good and spiritual perspective of the present distress check out Prepping for the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Devotions to Resume
Sometime back, we had to suspend the posting and distribution of our devotions. Unfortunately, the elderly lady who volunteered to handle the devotions had her computer hacked and the restoration of her computer is still uncertain. Due to the present distress, we are going to go ahead and get someone else trained and return to our routine of posting and distributing our devotional studies. We hope that the devotions will resume on Monday, March 23, 2020. Please pray that the transition and training will go smoothly. People need God's word and the encouragement it brings.
If You Need Church
Across the country, and across the world for that matter, many local churches have had to temporarily cancel their services. Many of these churches have turned to live stream only and their members can continue to watch services, albeit from home. Some are not so fortunate and cannot stream services. Either way, we wish to remind you that you can watch all of our church services and Bible Insitute classes live at LTB Live or on our YouTube channel. These video are then archived for later viewing on our YouTube channel. We hope that you will find these to be a blessing and encouragement to you.
Remember Your Church
During this time of uncertainty, isolation, closings, and cancellations, we have been reminded of the financial strain placed upon businesses, both small and large. Unfortunately, the local church and its missionaries often get lost in this conversation. Even if your church has had to cancel its services or go online-only, the financial needs of maintaining the ministry and supporting our faithful missionaries, both at home and abroad, continue. While your pastor may not feel comfortable reminding you of that in such perilous times, the truth is that your faithfulness in this area is still of eternal value.