The Disappearing Bible
The new versions have long been accused of removing phrases and verses from the Bible. Is it possible that they are removing concepts as well?
Attack on the English Bible
David Reagan's introduction to Doug Stauffer's new book, One Book Stands Alone.
The Presentation of Solomon (Daily Portion 10228)
Here, David spoke to the people in order to present Solomon as the next king and to establish him as the builder of the temple. David also shows the importance of preparation in the work he did to get ready for the construction of the house of the Lord.
The Depths of Sin (Daily Portion 10225)
This passage describes the depths to which sin will take man if he refuses to repent and return to the Lord. We see here the progressive nature of man’s rebellion and the steps God takes in turning from man. This passage stands as a warning to all of us about the danger of straying away from God.
Meditating on the Wondrous Works of God (Daily Portion 10222)
In this psalm, we see a discouraged saint lifted up by meditating on the wondrous works of God. The first nine verses vividly describe the depths of despair. But in the tenth verse, we see a decision to remember the blessings of God. The next few verses (v.11-15) meditate on the works of God and the psalm closes with the saint finding God in the depths of the sea. O glorious message of encouragement!
Only Eight Survive the Flood (Daily Portion 10219)
In this chapter, God sent the flood that destroyed all breathing beings on the face of the earth. But first, He ensured the deliverance of Noah, his family, and all kinds of animals by shutting them in the ark Noah had built in obedience to God
Not Ashamed of the Gospel (Daily Portion 10218)
Paul speaks of his desire to preach the gospel as a debtor to all men. He also speaks of the responsibility of all men to respond to the revelation given to them.
Paul Arrives at Rome (Daily Portion 10204)
Paul and his companions, after being shipwrecked on the island of Melita, do much good there. Paul finally arrives at Rome where he stays in a house under guard. He quickly presents himself to the Jews of Rome but receives little welcome.
The King of Old (Daily Portion 10201)
This psalm has three sections. First (v.1-11), the psalmist describes the destruction of the temple and cries for God
Loss of the Ship (Daily Portion 10128)
The ship upon which Paul is sailing is lost, but all in the ship are saved just as God had revealed through the Apostle Paul.