The Glories of the House of God
This message is about the glories of the latter house and how they compare to the glories of the local church today.
The Cure for Emptiness
Wherever you are, now is the time to repent and come back to the Lord. Break up that fallow ground and sow in righteousness as you seek the Lord.
The Lord is a Man of War
It is time for us to return to the battles of yesteryear, when the enemy was Satan, the stakes were eternal, the captain was the Lord Jesus, and the victory was certain.
Armed for the Fight
God has provided the arms and the armor we need for the battle and will give us the victory if we will trust in Him.
What Is A Missionary? Or, Will the Real Missionary Please Stand Up?
the job of a missionary
God’s Purpose for this Age of Grace
God’s purpose for this age is not to create an earthly utopia, as taught by the Reconstructionists and other Amillennialists. However, that does not mean that our outlook is pessimistic. It is pessimistic only if we keep our eyes on the world.
The Glory of Suffering
The whole world is filled with suffering. The Buddhists believe that it is the one constant in human existence and that all religion should be based on finding an escape from the suffering of the world. Yet, Christianity claims the power to find glory even in suffering. We look today at the glory of suffering.