Fruit Unto Death or Death Unto Fruit
As Christians we have a positive view of fruit, but is fruit always good? Everybody in the world is bringing forth some kind of fruit, but some fruit leads to death. Before you "go and bring forth fruit", pray that the Lord will give you wisdom on how and what kind of fruit to bring forth.
The Defeat of the Moabites
Jehoram continues the wickedness of Ahab. Jehoshaphat wrongly joins in with Jehoram. The kings and their armies are in serious trouble in the wilderness of Edom. Yet, they win the battle completely. Why? Because Jehoshaphat had enough spiritual sense to seek the Lord in the time of trouble. Do you have that much sense?
Four Arguments Against Euthanasia or Mercy Killing
Euthanasia literally means good death. It is also called mercy killing. In the Netherlands where euthanasia has been practiced for years, it is called deliverance. It is advocated by Dr. Kevorkian (Dr. Death) and the Hemlock Society. Recently Oregon passed the first measure in the history of the U.S. to legalize euthanasia (although it has had trouble in the courts). The Bible clearly teaches against the practice of euthanasia.
After Rehoboam and Jeroboam
From now on out, all the kings of Israel do evil in the sight of the Lord and only some of the kings of Judah do good. Asa is especially interesting.
God’s Man Proclaiming God’s Word
The phrase “the word of the LORD” occurs ten times in this chapter. This chapter is about the power and the importance of the word of God.
The Reigns of Rehoboam and Jeroboam
Since the first man Adam fell, man has been trying to hide his evil actions from God. The lesson teaches us that this is not only impossible but a foolish thought.
The Continuing Reign of Solomon
This chapter and the next mark the height of Solomon’s reign. But there is a warning here too. We will see later how his wealth and his wives draw him away from the Lord.
The Dedication of the Temple
The ark of the covenant was brought from the city of David. Solomon’s Temple was on Mount Moriah and was located to the north of the city of David which is Zion – Zion was later used to refer to the entire city of Jerusalem and also to the heavenly abode of God.
The Building of Solomon’s Temple
The passage lists the various aspects of the temple as part of this pattern that God had given him. Therefore, the pattern for Solomon’s temple comes from God and must have special spiritual significance.
The Prayer of Solomon (Daily Portion 10502)
This chapter records the prayer of King Solomon at the dedication of the newly built Temple in Jerusalem. This portion deals with his approach unto God and the beginning of his prayer. Solomon first blessed the congregation and then blessed the name of the Lord. Then, He reminded the Lord of promises yet to be kept. We can learn much from the prayer of Solomon.