Remembering Christ’s Passion
How should the people of God remember the passion of Christ?
Paths of Deception
The Deceiver is at work in the world today. He does not stop at deceiving the lost, but seeks also to deceive the saints. Has he deceived you?
The Sons of God in Genesis
How do we get the idea that the "sons of God" are fallen angels?
Our Temptations are Common to All
A. W. Tozer told this of his parents: “My father was a tough English farmer. I was proud of the strength of my father...
What is Glory?
The word, glory, or some form of the word (like glorious or glorify) is found in the King James Bible 538 times.
What is Love?
What is love? Is it an emotional feeling or is it a choice that one makes?
The Power of the Blood
This world needs the atonement of “a lamb”, but only “the lamb” can avail. Have you made the Lamb “your lamb”?
Is the Sabbath for Christians?
Should the Sabbath be observed by Christians? Is Sunday worship the mark of the beast? Was it an invention of the Catholics?
And Ye Would Not!
God’s will may be either absolute or conditional; this verse proves that we can disobey God’s desired will for ourselves.
Single & Serving
Does God use single ladies in His work or do they just need to wait until they find a husband?