Christ A Priest
One of the greatest blessings of being saved is having Jesus Christ as your High Priest. No longer must you go to a man to confess your sins and ask forgiveness, but you can approach the throne of grace with boldness through the shed blood of our High Priest.
Blessed Are Those Servants
The servant must understand his relationship to His Lord. The Lord is the master of the house and He rules it without challenge. The servant exists for the needs and service of the Lord. John 13:16 states, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him.”
Why I Reject Salvation by Works for any Dispensation
Are we saved by works? Has man ever been saved by works? Outline study by David Reagan.
Esther Must Die to Self
Esther had kept the identity of her people a secret from the king. Now, by Haman’s influence, the king has issued a decree to destroy the entire Jewish race. If she appears before the king without being recognized, she will be put to death. If she reveals her people and the decree stands, she will be put to death. The only solution is for her to die to herself before she acts. This she does with integrity and honor.
The Completion of the Temple
The people return to the building of the temple and continue with determination in the face of renewed opposition. However, because of their obedience, God turned the opposition into assistance.
Be Not Faithless, But Believing
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Central message of Acts (2:22-24; 3:15; 4:10; 5:30; 10:38-40; 13:28-30; 17:31) Key to personal salvation (Romans 10:9; 1Corinthians 15:14-17)
The Beginning of the Temple
The Jews have left the only stability they have known and have made the long and hard trip to Israel. But their work has only begun. Now they must rebuild. They begin in the right place restoring the ancient altar and begin work on the foundation of the temple. But opposition comes quickly. First, in the form of compromisers who want to join them for the purpose of defeating their purpose and zeal. Second, in the form of hired counselors who work to “frustrate their purpose.” For now, the adversaries win and the Jews cease work on the temple. The opposition has been too much for them. The temple lies abandoned.
Translators of the King James Bible
God gave His word to man in perfect form. If this was important to Him, He must also be concerned about passing that word to later generations in identically perfect form.
Daniel Maintains His Purity
The book of Daniel contains a wonderful set of prophecies that have thrilled and challenged Bible students for hundreds of years. But the book also tells some great stories. In this series of outlines, we will look at the first six chapters of the book where we will find a couple of the easier prophecies and several interesting stories.
Be Not Faithless, But Believing
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Central message of Acts (2:22-24; 3:15; 4:10; 5:30; 10:38-40; 13:28-30; 17:31) Key to personal salvation (Romans 10:9; 1Corinthians 15:14-17)